Workers Compensation Board of Prince Edward Island

Long-Term Wage Loss Benefits

You may be eligible for long-term wage loss benefits if:
  • You have an impairment as a result of your work-related injury or illness.
  • Your medical condition has stabilized.
  • Your rehabilitation process is completed.
  • An actual or estimated loss of earning capacity exists.
  • Your accident date is on or after January 1, 1995.

Estimating Earning Capacity

In order to determine your entitlement to long-term wage loss benefits, the WCB may estimate your earning capacity. This is done when:
  • You are eligible for long-term wage loss benefits,
  • And are unable to return to pre-injury employment or obtain suitable alternate work, or you choose not to seek or accept available suitable work.
To estimate your earning capacity, the WCB considers the following:
  • Your pre-injury employment.
  • Your capabilities, education, and work experience.
  • The average wages of the available suitable work.
  • Geographic location and labour market research.
More information is available in the WCB Extended Wage Loss Benefits policy.

Review of Long-Term Wage Loss

Long-term wage loss benefits are reviewed to make sure your benefits adequately compensate you for your loss of earning capacity.
  • An initial review is done at the time long-term wage loss benefits are established.
  • A review takes place 36 months after the effective date of your long-term wage loss benefits.
  • If necessary, a final review may take place 24 months after the 36-month review.


Long-term wage loss benefits are paid bi-weekly by direct deposit. Changes to bank account information can be requested by completing and submitting the Direct Deposit Request form at least one week prior to the payment date.

Pension, survivor, dependent and long-term wage loss benefits may be adjusted in July of each year to reflect changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), up to the maximum set in the Workers Compensation Act. Please note that in 2021 and earlier, changes were based on 80% of the CPI changes.

The following provides an overview of CPI changes since 2020:
2020 1.76%
2021 0.00%
2022 4.00%
2023 6.00%
2024 2.60%

Wage loss benefits may be payable until loss of earning capacity ends or until you reach age 65. If you are 63 or older at the time of injury, however, you may receive benefits for a maximum of two years.

After age 65, you may be eligible for retirement benefits. For more information please refer to the WCB Annuity policy and the WCB Pension Replacement policy.

Be sure to report all sources of income to the WCB. Your benefits may be reduced by other sources of income you receive while your claim is active. This includes, but is not limited to, collateral benefits from your employer, Employment Insurance, or Canada Pension Plan. Please contact your case worker or refer to the WCB Collateral Benefits policy for details.

For more information, please contact the Long Term Benefits team at 902-368-5680 or by email at You can also find information in the WCB's Extended Wage Loss brochure.

More information is also available in the WCB's Information for Workers booklet and our wage loss benefits policies.

If you can't find what you are looking for, please contact us.